Locations to Play

PlayTime Scheduler Locations Map for Appleton Area Pickleball

This is a listing of all local places to play. If you have a new court location to request you can use the Suggest Courts button. This button is also in PlayTime Scheduler. You must be logged in to the desired region. The button is in the section the Map button is in (on desktop computers), or at the top of the screen under your name (on mobile). Your local admin will need to approve the location before it’s available for scheduling. If you submitted a location some time ago and it has not been approved, please contact the site admin.

This is a national link for USA Places 2 Play Pickleball. You will only see places that users have added across the USA. This is probably not very up to date. You will see very few courts listed in our area, but anyone can request courts to be added.

If you have any questions or comments, please contact: foxcitiespickleball@gmail.com